
Here's a list of the sites which I frequent, broken apart by category for ease of looking around


The Spirit Realm
Shaman and Paladin community forums for Everquest, run by Samanna

Everquest Discussion Boards
The Everquest discussion forums run by Daybreak Games

Township Rebellion
My Everquest guild's webpage

Gaming community of a bunch of my friends who are currently playing WoW and FF14

The DC Universe Online forums
The DCUO discussion forums run by Daybreak Games

Final Fantasy 14 DPS forum
The Square-Enix English DPS forum


The best place to get bladesmithing steel around

The Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America
Homepage of the Artist-Blacksmith's Association of North America

The New England Blacksmiths
Homepage of the New England Blacksmiths
The Blade Forums
The Blade Forums, a large community around custom knife makers and collectors. I hang out in "Shop Talk"

Bladesmiths forum
Formely Don Fogg's bladesmithing forum, one of the best groups of bladesmiths online

The American Bladesmith Society
Homepage of the American Bladesmith Society